Alive ~

Berbulan-bulan tak update blog -..-
Sunday, January 15, 2012 | 06:18 | 0 comments

*credit this picture to Lettha princess si comell :D

Before I start 'talking' , Assalamualaikum warga Bloggies :) Lama tk jumpa kan ? Hee, titew busy lah sayang. Busy dgn sekolah, tuition dll. *Maklumlah dah masuk standard 5 -..- Then, idea pulak kong habis , tk tahu nak tulis pasal apee . Well, thats me -.- 

Sebenarnya, nak buat tutorial, tapi ... takde sape yg nak request *merajukk :/ Haha, takdelah , tk merajuk pun , suka ada lah . Malas gilos nak buat tutorial . Hmm.

Last word from me before Me , ending my story *broken english banyak seyy -..- 'Sorry for long time no update blog. Act, I`m kinda busy this year cause I`m already in standard 5 . UPKK candideath :) Totally freak out :/ btw, I will do my best so that I can update my blog all the time :) Wish me luck guys :D

p/s: Lagipun UPKK lambat lagi dee , bulan 10 kot :/ Freaking babe -..-